Every once in a while I like to take some time for myself; whether it be going for a walk, going to the beach, or having a movie marathon. It’s good to take a break from everything and spend some time alone. Sometimes things get a bit hectic, or I just get too overwhelmed by spending a lot of time with other people that I need to take myself away from it all and enjoy my own company for a bit.

There’s nothing wrong with spending time alone, and being alone doesn’t always mean you’re lonely. I have friends and family that will do things with me but I don’t always want to be around them because I like doing things by myself too. I feel like, as an introvert, I appreciate time spent alone and really don’t mind it at all; it just gives me the availability to do what I want to do.

When I make the decision myself to not see anyone and create adventures on my own / just have a chilled out day, I benefit a lot from it. It can make me feel a lot more stress free as I have the time to get important things done that are on my agenda (such as college work), or just be grateful for being able to relax.






Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my phone. I love connecting to people from all around the world through social media, searching interesting things on the internet, and using it to help me with college work. 

Phones can be used for thousands of things, some less important than others, but (mainly) good all the same. They’re an easy way to talk to friends, help fans connect with their idols over social media, and are useful for searching for things online quickly.
It’s amazing how much they’ve progressed in such a short amount of time. 10 years ago there were no touch screen phones, and the best social media site was probably My Space.
But with something so great, problems start to occur. You see, with so many possible things to do on a phone and the internet, people become wrapped up in this online world. They forget about the world outside their bedroom and get trapped inside, wasting their lives away on this piece of technology. Phones become distracting, a way to procrastinate, a way to miss out on amazing opportunities.
I’m always on my phone. Bad move, I know. I spend way too much of my time on it as it gives me something to do. Our creativeness is being lost through these devices and without them, we have a hard time thinking of a way to enjoy ourselves. We no longer feel the need to talk to people face to face because it’s easier over message, and we no longer experience as many things as people used to as we haven’t taken the time to take our eyes away from the screen.

And that’s not the only thing. Our mobile phones have quite literally become a part of us; without them we feel lost. We panic if we can’t find our phones where we left them, and if we don’t take them everywhere with us we feel uncomfortable. They’ve consumed our lives.

So, take yourself away from your mobile for a while. Find something else to do, and don’t forget to live your life.