Every once in a while I like to take some time for myself; whether it be going for a walk, going to the beach, or having a movie marathon. It’s good to take a break from everything and spend some time alone. Sometimes things get a bit hectic, or I just get too overwhelmed by spending a lot of time with other people that I need to take myself away from it all and enjoy my own company for a bit.

There’s nothing wrong with spending time alone, and being alone doesn’t always mean you’re lonely. I have friends and family that will do things with me but I don’t always want to be around them because I like doing things by myself too. I feel like, as an introvert, I appreciate time spent alone and really don’t mind it at all; it just gives me the availability to do what I want to do.

When I make the decision myself to not see anyone and create adventures on my own / just have a chilled out day, I benefit a lot from it. It can make me feel a lot more stress free as I have the time to get important things done that are on my agenda (such as college work), or just be grateful for being able to relax.






Time waits for no one.

Whether you’re dead or alive, it doesn’t stop. It doesn’t even slow down. Time is infinite, and it will go on forever. There is no way you can affect time, the best thing you can do is make the most of the time you’ve got.

As you get older time seems to speed up. Years seem shorter and before you know it you’re 10 years older. This is because the older you get, the less a year makes of you life. For example if you’re 4, a year makes up a quarter of your life which is a lot! However, if you’re 20 it is only a twentieth of your life and doesn’t matter as much, so a year seems shorter. Therefore your life seems to flash before your eyes as you grow up, and it’s scary.

We all have a habit of procrastinating or saying “I’ll do it later”, which means hours later, then days later, and eventually weeks later. Whether it be doing something simple such as doing homework, to something bigger like buying an apartment or going abroad, it matters. The more time you spend putting things off the less time you have to do something, and before you realise it you’ve got no time left.

Everyone has something they want to do, something they want to achieve. It takes a lot of motivation to put these goals into action, but we need to learn to do it. Your life could end tomorrow, and for a lot of you there’s many things you want to do before that time. If you wait and waste time, you’ll never accomplish these goals. Think about it; are you prepared to let your life pass you by without doing anything about it? Time will continue whether you are alive or not.

Don’t let time beat you.



When I was younger, I never made the connection between meat and animals. It is something that is brushed aside a lot of the time, and eating meat is just a normal part of most people’s lives. I never saw anything wrong with eating it because everyone else did it and it’s what I’d grown up knowing was okay. However, just over a year ago (it was exactly a year just a few days ago) I decided that I no longer wanted to eat meat.

3 of my close friends were vegetarians and for a few months in advance to actually stopping eating meat, I wanted to become one too. Having them around educated me a lot on what I was actually consuming and I didn’t like it one bit. But, I brushed it aside because I thought my parents would never let me. After a while though, I couldn’t ignore it anymore and one day something clicked in my mind meaning I couldn’t look at meat as anything other than a suffering animal (I still look at meat the same way now). From then on, I stopped eating meat completely. My parents couldn’t force me to eat it and so they allowed me to become a vegetarian, and I’m super grateful for their co-operation!

Beforehand, I watched many documentaries and videos such as Cowspiracy and Earthlings. This really made me realise what animals have to go through just for us to eat them; even when we can live perfectly fine without doing so. Eating meat does more bad than good to the environment, our bodies and, of course, the animals which is why I decided that eating it was not worth it.

Another thing that also led me to becoming a vegetarian was something that happened in one of my lessons at school. During religious studies we were talking about Christian views on animals, which led us to sharing our own opinions on what we should / shouldn’t use animals for. My teacher asked for someone to give her a reason as to why they eat meat, and the only thing anyone could come up with was “because it tastes good”. Not one person could think of any other reason, especially an ethical one, as to why we do. That led me to realise there really is no point in it! I’m not going to lie and say I don’t enjoy the taste of meat (because it does taste good), however there are so many substitutes and other tasty things to eat. Plus, I really don’t think an animal dying is worth it just for 10 minutes of pleasing my taste buds.

Now, I know being a vegetarian is not the end to my journey. Veganism is the next stop, because if you really want to have an impact it’s best to stop using / consuming animal products completely. I’ve taken a few steps towards this, such as only buying cruelty free makeup and eating a majority of vegan meals. Step by step I’m getting there, and hopefully in the near future I will be vegan!

I understand that not everyone will feel the same way about being a vegetarian, and I’m not one to attack people because of that. It’s the complete wrong way to go about things if you want to make a difference as people will just be put off by it. However, I’d really recommend educating yourself on the damage that eating meat does (and dairy / eggs too), and even if you’re not willing to completely cut meat out, cutting down is still better than nothing!




Whenever I heard someone say “just say yes”, I never quite understood why it was so important / would have such an affect on my life. However, now I finally realise that it makes a difference.

I remember the time when I used to lie to my friends about not being able to meet up because I was ‘busy’. I remember the time when I used to not want to go on trips with my family. I remember the time when I said no to a lot of things.

Then, I started to see things a bit more. I realised that there was a whole lot more to this world than my bedroom, my town, my country. I started to think of all the amazing memories I’d missed out on, all that time I’d wasted of my life, because I said no.

So, say Yes. Such a simple word could quite literally change your life. I used to be really lazy (I still am, but I don’t use that to stop me from going out anymore). I was too lazy meet up with people and make memories, or just go out to get some fresh air. I’ve realised now that I was most unhappiest then.

I try to spend more time with my friends and family now, enjoying this beautiful place we live, and I feel so much better for it! I used to always feel tired, and physical and emotionally drained, but getting out for a bit really helps. I’ve experienced so much more since I’ve been taking part in different activities and has some really good experiences. If you don’t say yes, you won’t realise what you’re missing until it’s too late.

I will never know what my life could be now if I’d said yes to just one thing I decided not to do in the past. It could have been a huge change, or maybe just a small event, but I’ve missed out either way.

There’s so much you can do with your life, and I sure as heck don’t want to waste mine by saying no.


Being positive can be hard sometimes, and surrounding yourself with negative people doesn’t make it any easier.

The Law Of Attraction is the belief that positive energy attracts positive energy, and negative energy attracts negative energy. If you focus on positive thoughts you will receive positive results, and vice versa. For example, if you are talking to someone who’s constantly pessimistic during a conversation, you are instantly put in a worse mood and there’s a lot of tension between you. However, if they’re in a good mood you feel happy and it’s easier to maintain a level of positivity.

By someone being in a bad mood, it can lower yours. I know from past experiences that this is true and I don’t like it at all. When I’m around people I try to be happier. That’s because I don’t want to pass my problems and negative moods onto them. Even if you aren’t feeling that great, don’t put other people down too by giving a negative vibe. I’m not saying don’t be sad and don’t talk about your problems, but if you can help it, try and be as positive about situations as possible.

If you’re feeling happy, show it, because it can really influence other people’s moods. If you’re in a good mood, share that with others. They’ll be in a better mood and can share their positivity around.

As I said before, surrounding yourself with negative people won’t help you feel any better, so try and avoid that. Surrounding yourself with positivity will make you feel a lot better and that’s good, there needs to be more happiness in this world.