This tag was created by Connor Franta, and as I thought the questions were quite interesting and fun to answer, I decided to do it!
Watch Connor’s video here:
1. Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?

I’m definitely a breakfast person.

2. Do you drink your cereal milk?

Well, there’s no point in leaving it.

3. When you drive do you listen to CD’s, Radio or your phone?

I don’t actually drive because it’s kind of illegal at my age, but in the car I’ll mostly listen to the radio as it automatically comes on (unless my parents let me connect my phone, but this is rare as they dislike my music taste ah).

4. Are you a window or aisle person?

Window. I love watching the view and I feel too enclosed on an aisle seat.

5. Fold or crumple?

Crumple.. who has the time or energy to fold everything?

6.Shampoo then Body wash, or Body wash then Shampoo?

It depends on what I pick up first but usually Body wash then Shampoo. I always end up getting body wash in my hair as it gets in the way, so it’s better to wash my hair afterwards.

7. Are you typically stressed or relaxed?

Stressed. I get really stressed about the smallest of things.

8. Patient or impatient?

I don’t think I can last longer than 2 minutes without getting impatient.

9. Do you like to have a schedule or go with the flow?

Schedule. I’m such an organised person and freak out when things aren’t planned.

10. What do you want to be when you grow up?

It seems like such a long way away but there’s only a few years till I have to leave college and get a job. I would love to become a Music Therapist, it’ll just take a lot of hard work to become one.

11. Prankster or not?

Not; I can never think of good enough pranks.

12. Dressed up or dressed down?

In the middle. I like to be presentable and look like I’ve made an effort, yet I don’t want to be too over the top. I don’t want to be underdressed either.

13. Favourite item of clothing?

Over the knee socks. They’re super comfortable but still look cute!

14. If you could play an instrument, what would you play?

I can play guitar but I’d really love to learn the drums.

15. East Coast or West coast?

Pretty sure this is to do with the USA so I can’t really answer as I don’t live / have never been there.

16. London or LA?

I’ve only been to London so I can’t really compare the two. I’m going to say LA though, because it looks amazing from what I’ve seen.

17. Favourite holiday?


18. How big is your bed?

I’m going to change this question to ‘How small is your bed?’ because mine is a single.

19. Do you sleep with the door open or closed?

If you sleep with the door open I think you have a problem. HOW DO YOU NOT GET SCARED AND PARANOID ABOUT WEIRD THINGS COMING IN JUST NO.

20. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

I gave up tucking them in a loooong time ago as I just pull them out. Also, you can’t snuggle up properly if they’re tucked in.

21. Have you ever stolen anything?

A chocolate bar when I was younger… what a rebel.

22. Tattoos or piercings?

I love both.

23. Do you smile in every photo?

No, I pull weird faces instead so that if I look bad, I know it was on purpose.

24. Have you ever peed in the woods?

Yes. And let me tell you that it’s a very difficult thing to do.

25. Concert or theme park?


26. Music or books?

Music beats everything, even though I do love reading so much.

27. Animated or reality?

I’d have to say reality.

28. Letter or email?

I feel really special when I receive a letter, I feel like it’s more personal, so letter.

29. What was your first concert?

JLS… 11 year old me seemed to enjoy pop music; how times have changed.

30. Do you own a record player?

No, but I do want one.

31. Do you speak any different languages?

Well I learnt French in school, though I wouldn’t say I can actually speak it.

32. Sweet or savoury?

Sweet win, hands down.

33. Can you curl your tongue?

Yep, and I used to have the skill of whistling out of it too.

34. Can you touch the tip of your tongue to your nose?

Never could, never will.

35. Can you whistle?


36. Have you ever won a spelling bee?

I don’t think they do them in England and if they do, I never took part in one.

37. Do you believe in ghosts?

I’m uncertain about them but I’m closer to the ‘I believe in them’ end of the scale.

38. Do you believe in aliens?

Not really.

THAT’S IT! FINALLY! This took me forever to write, so I hope you enjoy the long post!